2018-LDA-00297, OWCP No. 02-308909 (Office of Administrative Law Judges – Washington, DC).
Handley Farah & Anderson represents Ms. Ahlam Al-Zajrawee concerning grievous injuries she suffered while working as a security guard for the U.S. contractor, KBR, in Iraq. During the Iraq war, Ms. Al-Zajrawee was employed by KBR to screen women entering the U.S. military base Camp Echo in Diwaniyah, Iraq. Targeted for working with U.S. allies, Ms. Al-Zajrawee was shot in the head on her way to work in May 2004, resulting in the loss of both of her eyes and her sense of smell, and was left to die. Overcoming significant odds, Ms. Al-Zajrawee survived and was ultimately provided refugee-status in the United Kingdom.
According to the complaint, her employer, KBR, has refused to provide Ms. Al-Zajrawee compensation owed to her under the Defense Base Act, which protects workers injured or killed while working under U.S. government contractors abroad. The suit brought by Handley Farah & Anderson seeks disability and medical benefits owed to Ms. Al-Zajrawee resulting from the tragic incident she suffered while assisting the U.S. and its allies. The case is pending before the Department of Labor Office of Administrative Law Judges in Washington, DC.
If you have any questions concerning this case, please contact Matthew Handley, at 202-559-2411 or [email protected].